See specific dates and times below.
|Virtual Workshop
Leading Inclusive Change
This three-part workshop is designed to help leaders learn the practical steps of leading inclusive change. This course is grounded in Leading Elephants' signature change frameworks, tools, and mindsets for leaders who are leading change at the team, cross-functional, or system level.
Event Information
See specific dates and times below.
Virtual Workshop
About The Program
This three-part workshop is designed to help leaders learn the practical steps of leading inclusive change.
This course is grounded in Leading Elephants' signature change frameworks, tools, and mindsets for leaders who are leading change at the team, cross-functional, or system level.
- *Workshop dates/times coming in early 2022. To receive information once the dates/times are confirmed, please sign up on our waitlist.
- Develop an understanding of the human side of change. Participants explore the common responses and needs that arise for their people in the face of change and overwhelm. They will learn the specific actions that move people from uncertainty to inspiration.
- Explore the dynamics of race and identity in how organizations make decisions. Participants will unpack how identity, positionality and power impacts our experiences of change efforts. They will develop skills to examine how white dominant culture shows up in organizational decision making.
- Understand the rhythm of a well-led change effort. Participants learn Leading Elephants’ five-stage change model to understand the landscape of a successful change from start to finish. They will leave this session with a schema for how to drive toward decisions, engage inclusive voices and implement with inspiration at each stage of the process.
- Build stakeholder engagement to make change “with people and not to people.” Participants practice using a four-step process to design a stakeholder engagement experience that builds inclusive voice, and values the experiences and perspectives of the people who will live the change.
- Develop moves for implementing with inspiration and sustaining the change. Change agents will dive into the characteristics of systems and supports that help people feel successful in the change and build positive momentum as they develop new skills, habits and ways of being.
- Keep your emotional center as a change leader. Change leaders sit at the nexus of leadership’s expectations, human fear and frustration - and tricky organizational dynamics. Participants will explore their Reactive States as “go to” places under stress, and how to lead even when the world around them feels rocky.
- Build your inspirational change narrative. Participants will apply Marshall Ganz’s narrative essentials to craft a Change Story that enlists audiences in the why of the change, appeals to their motivations, and helps them see themselves as heroes in the story.
Sign Up
Thank you for signing up for the Leading Inclusive Change Workshop waitlist. Stay tuned for more information about future workshop offerings.